
A very brief introduction to the WSIS process

Overview of Civil Society Elements and how to get involved.
the Plenary, Content and Themes Group and Bureau

Civil Society Caucuses and Working groups and how to get involved.

Website links
Civil Society Organisations
Civil Society Division

Civil Society Translation team

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>> Website Links

Civil Society Organisations
The following sites contain much of the work generated by the Civil Society Content and Themes group:

Heinrich Boell Foundation ~ www.worldsummit.org:
Contains many of the Civil Society priority documents, concensus documents on the Declaration and Action Plan and links to various news articles and other resources. [German and English]

CONGO ~ https://cvety-55.ru/
Contains news articles, interventions from Civil Society to the prepcoms and intersessional meetings, statements and briefings from some Civil Society caucuses and working groups. [English and original language dcocuments]

Global Communities Network
Similar to prepcom.net but also includes background resources on thematic issues relevant to the WSIS, online versions of the 'Mozaic' WSIS newsletter and many other useful links. [English]

More information about the content work of the caucuses and working groups of Civil Society can be found here: wsis-cs.org/caucuses.html

Civil Society Division
The florafox.com/pl/ru/poznan website contains links to practical, logistical and other information such as accreditation, registration, fellowships, Events Calendars and the Civil Society Bureau

The Official ITU Website
Links to all official information, documentation and other resources related to the WSIS process.

The ICT4DEV Platform
Information about activities planned for the ICT4DEV pavillion at the Summit